Cade’s first Christmas

As the holiday season approached, numerous people commented to me about how much fun Christmas would be this year since it was Cade’s first Christmas. I found these comments to be kind of funny since Cade had no clue it was Christmas. To him, it was just any other day in which he got to play with wrapping paper and cardboard boxes. And after our Thanksgiving experience, I certainly learned a lesson regarding parental expectations that holidays with a baby will be a glorious day where naps will be fantastic and there won’t be any crying. In all honesty, me not placing ridiculous expectations on Cade actually made the holiday season lovely. We were able to relax and enjoy each other without having to have a “perfect” day….and that really was perfect. Seriuosly though, it was absolutely a special season for our little family.

Traditionally, we go to an 11:00 PM service at Grace on Christmas Eve. For obvious reasons, that wasn’t going to work with Cade, so we went to a 4:00 PM service instead. It felt a little strange, but it was great. AJ and Amy joined us and then we headed back to our house for dinner. Cade got to have his first experience with pot roast and mashed potatoes which he was a huge fan of. We stayed up past bedtime and just enjoyed each other. Cade got to open a present from Aunt AJ early, which he loved.

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Opening his Animals of the Nativity book from Aunt Amy

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The first of many VERY COOL handmade presents from Aunt AJ


Cade woke up around 10:00 PM (which he never does). He got to watch a little TV with daddy and was very happy about it. He apparently knew something special was up.

Christmas morning, Trey, Cade and I spent time together just relaxing. We let Cade open a few small things that we had gotten for him and of course, his favorie was the paper. We still haven’t really landed on what we want to do about Santa, so for now, there were a few small unwrapped presents  under the tree for him. He was quite excited about the new pacifiers.


Hanging with Dad while mom made some breakfast


He spotted new stuff and of course, went for the pack of pacis

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We are still in the stage where our way of “playing” really just means putting things in our mouth. That’s what magnets are for, right?


Opening presents with dad


Trey’s family came and joined us for a late lunch that was delicous. Aunt AJ and Amy came over as well.  We ate and then opened more presents.

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GiGi gave Cade his stocking that she made for him, which was super special.

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Another handmade present from Aunt AJ. ABC blocks in a handmade wagon. Super cool and super special.

On the 27th we headed down to St Simons Island to celebrate with the rest of my family. Leeman and Suzy always rent a house for the family and we spent four days enjoying each other in some amazing weather.


Cade opening presents from grandma in his “who needs santa when you have grandma” onesie.


Cade and Suzy

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My Grandfather AKA Leeman turned 81 while we were at the beach. We celebrated at a great little Italian restaurant

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Cade’s entertainment at dinner. Oh the  things you can do with a sippy cup lid.

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Fun on the beach! He really wasn’t so sure what he thought about the sand.

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While we had a blast, the trip wore Cade out! Poor boy was so tired when we got home. He went straight to sleep. When we went to wake him up, we found him like this. Play hard, sleep hard.

We had some family photos taken while at St. Simons. Here are a couple that turned out really well.







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