Spring time with Cade has brought so many more fun activities! We are loving the warm weather and Cade’s absolute favorite thing right now is to be outside. Some of our favorite activities include…

Being outside! It doesn’t matter what we are doing, the boy just loves to be outside!

Going to festivals with friends and family.

Playing with the water table – Gigi and King Daddy gave Cade a water table for his birthday and shortly after we got it out to enjoy. Cade loves to drink the water out of the little shovels and gets completely soaked. It’s so fun to watch!

Sitting on the front porch – Cade has learned how to say “hey” and he loves to sit out on the front porch or in the yard and say “hey” to all of the people and cars that go by.

Going to the park – We’ve had several play dates at the park that have been a blast! Cade is all about standing and crawling on the equipment and watching all the people around him.

Riding and pushing his tractor – Debbie Cakes and Pop gave Cade a tractor for his birthday. He loves to sit on it and push it all over the yard and the house.

Because everyone pushes their sippy cups around, right?

Swimming – Cade’s first swimming experience of the season was at the local YMCA. The Y has a great zero entry area for kids and Cade crawled all over the place. I think he would have stayed and played all day if we had the time. They have an outdoor area and we can’t wait until it opens! In the meantime, we have an outside pool that is so big we could put multiple toddlers and parents in it all at once. The best part is that it is the exact same pool that I had as a kid. So far, Cade isn’t so sure how he feels about the water being so cold.

Spring also brought Cade’s first few days away from mom and dad. Trey and I went out west for several days to celebrate Trey’s 30th birthday and the completion of my Ph.D. Debbie Cakes came to stay with Cade and took great care of him.
At 14 months, Cade is understanding so much more that we say to him. He says mom, dad, hey, hi, and bye. He is also very close to saying an understandable dog and AJ. He’s still not walking and doesn’t seem to be in a hurry to do so even though I’m pretty sure if he tried he could do it. He is all about scooting around while holding onto furniture, crawling, and recently bear crawling. The cutest thing that he learned to do recently is clap. If you ask him to do it, he will clap and get the best grin on his face like he is so proud of himself. Here he is clapping in the pool.

His other newest tricks include patting his head and dancing. This boy LOVES to dance. It’s really cute to watch and he pretty much wants to do it all the time.
Other than being outside, Cade loves to play with his blocks, push anything that he can (cars, wagons, even coolers), and read books. His favorite books right now are any that have a flap. He has a copy of Brown Bear that has sliding flaps to reveal the animals – it’s a favorite.

It is so fun to watch Cade discover new things in his world. This week, we were playing on the porch when it started raining. Cade ventured out a little and when he realized it was water he was so excited. It seems that he’s a big fan of puddles.

Another recent discovery is climbing. He likes to climb stairs much to my dismay. Recently he has learned to climb into his wagon.

Cade is still eating like a champ! Recently, we went to waffle house for breakfast and Cade ate an entire waffle. We took a before and after picture to document!

“Helping” mommy plant some bushes. He may have consumed a fair amount of dirt.

He has always liked the grocery store, but this cart has taken it to a whole new level!

Lucky little guy got two Easter baskets. Gigi’s included peeps, which he decided were not yummy. I agree. Peeps are gross.

First smoothie experience was a hit!

This outfit is just too much cuteness to handle.

Because most rock stars just need a break every once and a while.
We are currently counting down until summer break! Cade has three more days of school and then he is all mine for the summer. It’s going to be a blast!