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Cade man is 2 months old!

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Cade turned two months old last Thursday! I can’t believe how quickly time is going by. I already feel like I need to be able to stop time. Month two of little man’s life brought many more “first” moments as well as meeting some more of his fantastic family. His little personality is starting to develop which is such a blast to watch. He started smiling at around six weeks, but he waited until Mother’s Day to decide he was going to consistently do it. I’m sure he was planning that present for me all along. At his two month checkup, he weighed 10 lbs 14 oz and was 22 inches long. He’s still small for his age, but he is certainly catching up!

At two months Cade learned how to…


Roll from his tummy to his back. Mom, Vance, Trey, and myself were all watching him play and he just rolled right over.

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Sleep without his arms swaddled


and he finally found his fist, which he loves to suck on

At two months Cade’s favorite things are…


Taking a bath

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Playing on his activity mat from Oma

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Riding in his baby bjourn

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Being held and talked to

Now for Cade’s two month “first” activities


Cade’s first outdoor nap – What originated as outdoor tummy time with mom quickly turned into snoozing.

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Cade’s first trip to the office. I had to go in to work to take care of some things with the little guy in tow. He got loved on by lots of great people and napped on the office floor. Thank you Aunt Robin for leaving your mood lighting behind in the office!

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Cade’s first graduation. If he follows in the footsteps of his parents, he will have many of his own to attend one day. Cade was a tropper and though he found it to be boring, he sat/slept through Aunt AJ’s graduation as she got her Master’s degree. Cade says way to go aunt AJ!

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Cade’s first roadtrip (check out his serious roadtrip face)/trip to Mom and Vance’s (Grandparent names TBD – feel free to offer up suggestions) which included hanging out on Vance’s tractor. Cade had a blast and can’t wait to go back for another visit. He did great in the car and we made it all the way there without stopping.

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Cade’s first trip to the nail salon. Mom and I decided we needed pedicures so we strapped the little man in and went for it. He takes after his dad and is a very patient man.

Cade got to meet several more family members during his second month including great grandparents on my side of the family.

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Introducing the dynamic trio – Cade man, Suzy, and Lee man. My grandparents flew up from Florida for the weekend to meet Cade and spend time with the family. Cade loved them and had the best time visiting. We are already working on planning little man’s first trip to Florida to see them again. During their visit they determined that their great grandparent names would be Suzy and Lee man which we think are perfect great grandparent names.


While we were in Camden visiting mom and Vance, Cade got to meet another great grandparent, Nana.  I think Nana would have been happy to sit and watch Cade all day long. Cade loved sitting and being rocked by his Nana.

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Also while in Camden, my Aunt Shelia, Uncle Mike, and cousin Ryan came over to meet Cade. It was really fun watching all of them hang out and love on Cade. Ryan was actually really good with Cade, despite Cade’s look in the picture…he was sleepy. We missed my other cousin, Becca, but hope we get to see her the next time we are in South Carolina.


Meeting Uncle Rob – To say that I was thrilled for Cade to meet Uncle Rob would be an understatement. My little brother made the trip from Bishopville to come hang out with the little guy. It was pretty awesome watching Rob hold him and tell him all kinds of stuff including his take on how “real men don’t cry.” Rob brought him several John Deere sippy cups that we will certainly be using once he is old enough.

And now for some of my favorite pictures from Cade’s second month


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Cade’s First Month

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Since Cade is two months old today, I figured I should do his first month post! Mostly this will just be comprised of pictures since at one month the little guy doesn’t do a whole lot yet. He is however a fantastic baby who has the most chill personality. During his first month he did meet lots of amazing people and have lots of “first” moments.


Cade’s first Tiger outfit – Yes, we are starting him young.


 Cade’s first bow tie – Cade’s adopted grandma, Oma, made him a precious coming home outfit that wasn’t even close to fitting him (the doctors kept telling me he was going to be a big baby). Oma went out and got him something smaller, that still turned out to be huge, but was still awesome. Cade wore this to come home from the hospital.


Cade’s first bath – We didn’t get the greatest pictures of this moment, but he screamed the whole time so I guess we didn’t miss too much.


Cade’s first book with my mom (gramdma name TBD)


First family walk – While I know I should have taken it easy for a few weeks, I couldn’t handle staying in the house all the time. On day four of little man’s life, I convinced Trey to go on a walk with me. Cade slept the whole time. While it was a very slow walk, it was great to get out.


Cade’s first trip to visit daddy at work – For Trey’s birthday, mom helped me take Cade to visit. We stopped and got cupcakes to celebrate. Cade even wore his bow tie again for the occasion.

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Cade’s first family festival!

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Cade’s first trip to starbucks…the first of many I am sure


Cade’s first bottle – While I was thrilled that he took it, I was also very sad that someone else was feeding my child.

Cade’s first semi-voluntary smile. Trey was convinced that he was getting Cade to smile. I of course did not believe him, so Trey recorded it the next time. I still say that it was semi-voluntary…

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 Cade’s first trip to King Daddy’s and GiGi’s – Cade got to hang with his family and meet his cousins for the first time. We celebrated March and April birthdays for Cade, Trey, GiGi, Aunt Lyndsey, and Ashton.


Cade meeting King Daddy and GiGi

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Cade meeting mom and Vance

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Cade meeting his great grandparents – Lyle and Shirley


Cade meeting Aunt AJ – I love that he looks like he is smiling in this picture


Cade meeting his future wife, Ella. Yes, we are working on a prearranged marriage. Save the date – Cade and Ella 2039. Cade wasn’t sure how he felt about the meeting. Ella on the other hand was pumped.

And now just for some of my favorite pictures from the month.







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Cade’s Birth Story

Cade’s arrival here on earth was nothing short of eventful. With a due date of April 11, 2014 my doctor had scheduled me for an induction on April 1st as most women with Type 1 aren’t allowed to go to their due date. While lots of people thought that having an April Fool’s baby would be funny, I wasn’t so sure that I was thrilled about the idea. I also wasn’t thrilled about being induced. Trey and I decided that we would just pray that Cade decided to show up on his own…and that he did.

Trey and I had planned to spend the day together going to the movies, the food truck park, and having maternity pictures taken on the last day of his spring break. We slept in and when we got out of bed my water broke. Now I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect as I was convinced that your water breaking wasn’t the same as what you see on television. I’m pretty sure that my words to Trey were “I think my water just broke. I’m not sure, but if it didn’t I’m having a serious bladder issue and we need to go to the hospital.” While we both were extremely excited that our little guy was on the way, I was also a little concerned given that I was only 36 weeks. Trey of course, was fantastic and assured me that everything was going to be fine. After calling my doctor and massive chaos at our house, we finally left for the hospital around 10:00 a.m. When I say massive chaos –  we had nothing packed, the car seat wasn’t in the car, and Trey doesn’t really  know what to do in moments of utter confusion. This is how Trey went to the hospital…

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Yes, his shirt is on inside out.

And I went to the hospital wearing a newborn diaper. Yes, a diaper. Ladies – a word of advice. Keep products on hand when you are pregnant. You never know when you will need them.

Once at the hospital we got checked in and it was confirmed that my water had in fact broken. While I had started having mild contractions they were not very intense and things were pretty calm. A high risk OBGYN came in to chat with us and it was determined that I would be allowed to wear my insulin pump throughout my labor as opposed to being placed on an insulin drip. I was super excited as I was not expecting this to be the case, and I really wanted to be in charge of my insulin management. What was not exciting was all of the wires they hooked me to. I wasn’t really able to walk around much.



Don’t I look thrilled?


Our maternity photo since that didn’t happen as planned.

Trey and I had decided that we wanted someone with us during labor who could help coach me and keep Trey calm. The amazing Marci Hoffman fulfilled that role for us and was such a huge help. She was a champ and stayed with us all through the night. We were  both so thankful to have her there.

Around 3:00 pm my doctor decided to start me on pitocin. This was something that I really didn’t want to happen, but I was not progressing at all and again, because of my type 1 they did not want me to labor too long. Another word of advice – don’t take pitocin. That stuff is terrible. I started having strong contractions by 5:00 pm that were consistent and close together; however, by 11:00 pm I still had not progressed at all and was only dilated about 1 cm. My doctor let me know that he would not check me again until the morning. While I had wanted to try and deliver as “naturally” as possible by midnight I decided that I needed something to help me rest. I was given a shot of demerol. While it doesn’t do anything for the pain, it allowed me to rest in between contractions.


Unfortunately, demerol wears off after only  few hours. At 5:00 am I finally got an epidural. While I am all about women who birth their children naturally, I’m so glad I got an epidural. My words to Trey after were “This is magic juice.” I was finally able to sleep some until my doctor came back in at 8:00 am. He checked me again and while I had progressed, I was still only 4 cm and only slightly effaced. My doctor gave me the choice of laboring some more or going ahead and doing a Cesarean. As I really wanted to deliver vaginally, I choose to continue with the agreement that he would come back and check me at 9:30 am. 9:30 brought good news as I had made it to 6 cm. Feeling encouraged, we continued on, but two hours later I was only at 7 cm and my cervic had begun to thicken as opposed to thinning out. My doctor told me that he felt that we needed to do a Cesarean. While I was disappointed, after 28 hours of labor and having not eaten since Thursday night, I was just ready to meet Cade.

They immediately began to prep me for surgery as Trey got all of our things together. Having never had an operation, my first thought as they wheeled me in was that operating rooms do actually look like television. Trey was there with me and held my hand throughout everything. The pressure was so intense that I think I almost squeezed Trey’s hand off. Our little guy was born at 12:07 pm on March 15, 2014. They held him up so we could see him and then we heard the sweetest sound in the world as he started to cry. I have never felt anything so emotional in my life. Being so exhausted yet so overcome with joy at the same time. They brought Cade over to Trey and we got to have a few minutes with him before they finished with me.


As we were holding him and staring at his little face, I made the comment that Cade didn’t really look like either one of us. Trey responded “uh oh.” Which I laughed at; however, we quickly learned that you don’t say “uh oh” in an operating room. Oops.

Trey got to go with Cade as they finished me. One of the strangest things was that they kept counting things in the operating room. I finally figured out that they were counting instruments…to make sure that there weren’t any inside of me. Pretty funny. I’m glad that they found them all.

While everything that I didn’t want to happen during my labor and delivery happened, I was just overjoyed that Cade was here and perfectly healthy. Our “premature” baby was perfectly fine, weighing in at 6 lb 0 oz and 18.5 inches long. A perfect little bundle of joy.


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Mother’s Day

The sweet face that I get to call son

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One of the many awesome things that Trey did for me for Mother’s Day was set up this blog for our little man. It was a great surprise and I look forward to recording moments with Cade here for years to come. If you know Trey, then you know that he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to claim Cade also has his own e-mail address and since he is already a fluent reader at eight weeks feel free to e-mail him at

All week long I have had to remind myself that I am now included in this wonderful group of people who get to call themselves mom. Today has been a day of reflection of how lucky I am to be a part of that and how I couldn’t imagine my life without my little guy. Even though I’ve only been a mom for eight weeks, it has truly been the biggest blessing that I have ever experienced.

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Stay Tuned! For Awesomeness

Stay Tuned! For Awesomeness