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Five Months!

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Little man is five months old today. He has officially moved from a little snuggly infant to a baby that wants to check out everything in his world. It’s so fun to watch him explore the world around him, which is mainly through putting everything in his mouth. He loves to play and is totally into his toys (which I have spent lots of time trying to find new things that he finds interesting). I always said that I didn’t want to be that parent that had tons of noisy toys where the songs get stuck in your head all day, but alas, that is what the boys loves so of course, that is what we play with. Cade’s super chill personality is sticking with him and I’m thinking that it is here to stay. As he develops more and more he has started to get frustrated when he can’t do something that he wants to. I’m pretty confident that the boy wants to crawl all over the room and can’t figure out why his legs won’t cooperate with this desire. He will get there soon enough. At five months, Cade is sleeping 11-12 hours at night and still takes four naps during the day. I’m so thankful that he is such a good sleeper, but I’m excited for the day when we can go out for adventures and he won’t fall asleep all the time!

At five months, Cade learned how to..

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Use both of his hands at the same time – While he’s still got a was to go with his coordination, he has mastered the art of using both hands to hold an object.

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Grab his feet – He finally found his feet and he thinks that they are just fantastic!

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Blow some serious bubbles – This has become a new favorite skill. I’m not so sure how I feel about this one!

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Sleep with his butt in the air. It’s awesome.

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Not really a learned skill, but he’s starting to grow some hair back! Yay!

At five months, Cade’s favorite things are…

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Playing in his exersaucer – Cade’s girlfriend Ella borrowed our exersaucer and we couldn’t for the life of us remember to get it back from them. We were up visiting my college roomate, Katherine and her family, and we put Cade in their exersaucer to see if he was big enough for it yet. He instantly started belly laughing and LOVED it! We got ours back from Ella and he loves to spin around in it and play with all of the toys. It’s definitely a hit!

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Tummy time – Cade loves tummy time. Mainly because it is a great position to grab things and put them in your mouth. He will grab all the toys in front of him and try to shove them in his mouth at the same time. It’s pretty funny.

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Being tickled – Cade is ticklish, which is super cute. He will laugh and talk and make all kinds of funny noises if someone lays with him and tickles his stomach.

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The Farmer’s Market – One of our weekly adventures is going to the Farmer’s Market. I have several rules about the Farmer’s Market, one of which includes never getting a cart. As a result, Cade gets to ride in his Beco with mommy while we shop. He LOVES to look at all the people.

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Going for walks – We had a small stint where it felt like Fall in Georgia this month. It was lovely, and Cade and I took full advantage of the weather. We walk and talk until he finally falls asleep taking it all in.


Listening to his daddy play the guitar – Cade loves it when Trey sits down with him and sings.


Bath time – Bath time is still a hit with little man. We had to transition from the kitchen sink to the bathroom as whoever was bathing him (and the floor) were getting soaked from his splashing.

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Putting anything and everything in his mouth!


Cade’s first activities for the month included…

Cade had some fun and some hard first activities this month. Well, the hard activities were more about me than him. At Cade’s four month checkup, his pediatrician noticed that he was holding his neck in an odd position. Cade was diagnosed with something called torticollis, which basically is a muscle problem with the neck. We had to go for a physical therapy evaluation which actually turned out to be a really good experience. His case is very mild and we have to do stretches and exercises with him each day. We will continue to go to therapy for a while until it improves. All in all, we were very thankful that our doctor caught it and we can correct it before he gets too big.


I am so thankful that I had all the time I did at home with Cade. He was home with me full time for almost 5 months and every minute of that was precious. Alas, I have a job and really need to finish my Ph.D. so Cade started daycare last week. Again, this was much more traumatic for me than for Cade. He will be going three days a week. The great thing is that he is going to Trey’s school. Trey has strict assignments to go see him everyday at lunch and give me a picture and daily update. I secretly think that Trey is excited about the time he gets to spend with him while at work and their car rides in which he apparently is teaching Cade all about great 90’s music. So far, I am surviving and I think that with time it will get easier. The picture above is Cade and Trey in their Mount Vernon spirit shirts before school this morning. Too cute.

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Cade’s first night away from mom and dad. Mom and Vance kept Cade one night while we were at the lake for AJ’s birthday. While we both missed him terribly, it was nice to sleep in and not worry about being quiet while he was sleeping! Mom of course had a blast having him stay at her house!

And now for some of my favorite pictures…





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One thought on “Five Months!

Love seeing our little guy grow…

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